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Got the Blues
Thirty years after shooting his first grouse, Matthew adds a second species to the bag....

Venison Sausage Time
Over the past few years my wife and I have been enjoying the variety of different meal options we can make with our wild game....

When the Chips are Down
Come the middle of November without a kill, a sense of pressure starts to build, this is when I automatically gravitate to a particular....

Gaga for Grouse
Opening day my wife and I spent the afternoon walking old trails in one of my favourite bird....

Spring Black Bear 2023
At 700 yards a black bear is a pinprick of a shadow, the illusion of a burnt stump more than an animal. It took binos on a tripod to....

Range Time
Dialling in a new scope or rifle, checking sights after a guns been knocked around or regular practice, it is damn hard to beat a....

A Quick Look Back: Fall Hunting 2022
It was November before the weather really changed and it was like flicking a light switch. One day you are drowsy and basking in the sun....

Dad's Rifle
I was enjoying a hot coffee on a cool day and thinking about Dad when two does came up on my right. Sitting still as a church mouse....

Duck Camp 2022
The geese came in low over the water, a perfect opportunity as they took off from the other side of the lake flying low over our decoys....

Spring Black Bear 2022
Winter felt like it did not want to leave, or spring decided not to make an appearance this year, either way....

Zig zagging back and forth, doing my best to cut off a retreat it wasn’t fifteen minutes and the sound of success echoed through the....

The sharp crack of my rifle going off always surprises me, loud and violent it is startling when compared to the pop of bird loads....

So Far: Grouse Season
The skunked days came in time to keep me humbled and honest just when I was starting to think I had the area figured out, as well as....

A Little Grizzly
Watching it run away I was struck by the strength and power it exuded, like watching all four tires of a four wheel drive spin up mud....

Spring Has Sprung
Lately there has been a lot of rain, precipitation that we dearly needed, it came down hard enough I didn’t feel like being out fishing....

Rainy Day Blacktail
For four days it rained, every day there were fresh tracks to greet me and new rubs....

The Hunting Camp
The first camp origins involved my Grandfather and his three boys. I believe it was 1982 and it was a rectangular box....

A Bird in the Hand
The partridge as my family called them was the first game I hunted and I don’t like admitting how long it took me to bag one....

Shooting Black Bears
By the end of the season I had only seen one black bear, a chocolate boar who caught our wind and skedattled up a tree....

Time for a Change
Until moving to western Canada much of my life was shaped in hunting camps and on the water in Ontario with my Father and Uncles....
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