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Canoe + Fly Rod = Smallmouth Bass
The only option this early in the season was a canoe and paddle if we wanted to chase down some fish and I didn’t fly across the country....
What is a Trophy Fish
Many decades have passed since our cottage lake has produced trophy class pike. Back in the day, that being the ’50’s and 60’s it....
The First Cutt: Fishing Lake O'Hara
Bringing the first trout of the day to my feet I flipped it over and immediately saw the red slashes under the jaw, cutthroat confirmed....
Paddleboards and Rainbow Trout
Paddleboard fishing is growing in popularity, large, stable boards, some are even equipped with a chair have come to the masses....
Eradicating the Invasive Walleye
Thinking of Walleye as an invasive species is funny, many anglers would I’m sure find it laughable. In Ontario it is arguably the most....
For the Love of Bull Trout
I’ve read about them attacking rainbows and cutthroat that an angler is fighting, I’ve seen tails sticking out of their throats as...
Spring Smallmouth Bass
It would have to go down as one of my best smallmouth bass fishing sessions of all time, damn near at the top.
My Fillet Knife
I was thirteen years old when I received my first fillet knife, a cherished Christmas or Birthday present....
Hanging in the East
Lucky for us, while the pike fishing was lacklustre the smallmouth bass were lit, we were drowning flies in over twenty feet of water....
Spring Has Sprung
Lately there has been a lot of rain, precipitation that we dearly needed, it came down hard enough I didn’t feel like being out fishing....
One Day on the Ice
During the night over a foot of snow fell, though we weren’t walking far it was still apparent snowshoes were going to be more efficient....
31 Days
One of the joys of visiting the family in the summer is being a 30 second walk away from the water and our old 1964 Arkansas Traveler....
Flyrods, Fins and COVID-19
It would be fair to say that spring was a little weird. The world was on fire with the coronavirus....
Time for a Change
Until moving to western Canada much of my life was shaped in hunting camps and on the water in Ontario with my Father and Uncles....
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